# Veery Curl Testing - Markdown version



## Read a Single Post

Grab my profile page. Currently, the default is to return HTML only.
    curl http://veeryapiperl.soupmode.com/api/posts/profile

This produces the same thing.

    curl http://veeryapiperl.soupmode.com/api/posts/profile/?text=html

Returned JSON:

          "created_at":"2015/02/11 14:54:49",
          "updated_at":"2015/04/21 15:56:10",
          "html":"<a name=\"Profile\"></a>\n<h1 class=\"headingtext\"><a href=\"/profile\">Profile</a></h1>\n\n<p>my profile page that contains nothing because i want to blend into the background.</p>\n\n<p><img src=\"http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3156/2614312687_3fe4cae2a9_o.jpg\" alt=\"\" /></p>\n"

### Retrieve the markup for a post.

The `_rev` is returned for updating. To include the `_rev` info, the user's logged-in info must be submitted on the query string along with `text=markup`.

This will not include the `_rev` info.

    curl http://veeryapiperl.soupmode.com/api/posts/profile/?text=markup

To include `_rev` info:

    curl http://veeryapiperl.soupmode.com/api/posts/profile/?text=markup\&amp;author=MrX\&amp;session_id=50ff8f05c0f5d95aabbe7c5d810340c1

Returned JSON:

          "markup":"# Profile\r\n\r\nmy profile page that contains nothing because i want to blend into the background.\r\n\r\n![](http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3156/2614312687_3fe4cae2a9_o.jpg)"

### Retrieve the markup and the HTML
    curl http://veeryapiperl.soupmode.com/api/posts/profile/?text=full

Returned JSON:

          "created_at":"2015/02/11 14:54:49",
          "updated_at":"2015/04/21 15:56:10",
          "markup":"# Profile\r\n\r\nmy profile page that contains nothing because i want to blend into the background.\r\n\r\n![](http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3156/2614312687_3fe4cae2a9_o.jpg)",
          "html":"<a name=\"Profile\"></a>\n<h1 class=\"headingtext\"><a href=\"/profile\">Profile</a></h1>\n\n<p>my profile page that contains nothing because i want to blend into the background.</p>\n\n<p><img src=\"http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3156/2614312687_3fe4cae2a9_o.jpg\" alt=\"\" /></p>\n"

## Get the Homepage Stream of Posts

    curl http://veeryapiperl.soupmode.com/api/posts

Page 3 of the stream of posts

    curl http://veeryapiperl.soupmode.com/api/posts/?page=3

Returned JSON:

           "text_intro":" <span class=\"streamtitle\"><a href=\"/test-multimarkdown\">test multimarkdown</a></span> -   Here is as example of [table][simple_table] followed by a more complex example from the documentation   simple_table       \tFirst Header \tSecond Header \tThird Header \t      \tFirst row \tData \tVery long data entry \t    \tSecond row \tCell \tCell \t       Prototype table       ...",
           "updated_at":"2015/04/30 01:57:55",
           "formatted_updated_at":"Apr 30, 2015 01:57:55 Z",
           "text_intro":"<span class=\"streamtitle\"><a href=\"/info\">Info</a></span> -   Minimal web publishing tool.  Formatting can be created by using markup syntax from Markdown, MultiMarkdown, Textile, and HTML.  Tech used:   Ubuntu Nginx FastCGI Perl HTML::Template CouchDB Memcached Elasticsearch  <a href=\"/tag/scaup\">#scaup</a> <a href=\"/tag/blogging\">#blogging</a>",
           "updated_at":"2015/04/29 21:56:57",
           "formatted_updated_at":"Apr 29, 2015 21:56:57 Z",

## Stream of Posts from a Search Request

### String search

_Currently, a GET request is used. I may change this to a POST request._

A string search is comprised of one or more words.

Search on "beer":

    curl http://veeryapiperl.soupmode.com/api/searches/string/beer

Search on "craft beer":

    curl http://veeryapiperl.soupmode.com/api/searches/string/craft%20beer

**Elasticsearch notes:** It seems that when entering a text string surrounded by double quotes, then an exact string match is conducted by Elasticsearch. When a plus sign separates words, then it seems that  an 'OR' Boolean search is conducted.

### Tag search

Search on the hashtag "toledo":

    curl http://veeryapiperl.soupmode.com/api/searches/tag/toledo

Returned JSON for a hashtag search on "beer" 

          "text_intro":" <span class=\"streamtitle\"><a href=\"/black-cloister-feb-26-2015-notes\">Black Cloister Feb 26 2015 notes</a></span> -   Feb 26, 2015 - Toledo Blade - Black Cloister Brewing Co. taps opening date  The story is part of a new Blade column, called \"Raise a Glass.\"  ",
          "formatted_updated_at":"Feb 26, 2015 16:14:32 Z",
          "updated_at":"2015/02/26 16:14:32"
          "text_intro":"<span class=\"streamtitle\"><a href=\"/jan-15-2015-insights-from-tom-at-titgemeiers\">Jan 15, 2015 insights from Tom at Titgemeier's.</a></span> -   I visited Titgemeier's this morning to buy bird seed, honey, and a bottle capper. I broke our capper last night.  I chatted with Tom for a while. We definitely missed a good Glass City Mashers meeting last Thursday. Chris spoke. He's the owne ...",
          "formatted_updated_at":"Feb 25, 2015 13:27:01 Z",
          "updated_at":"2015/02/25 13:27:01"

 To-do : Maybe add the "TAGS" API command.  
`curl http://veeryapiperl.soupmode.com/api/tags/beer`

 To-do : Add advanced search options, such as Boolean searches by exploiting Elasticsearch's more sophisticated features.

### String search on a hashtag

    curl http://veeryapiperl.soupmode.com/api/searches/string/%23scarf

## Login

### Create and send the no-password login link

    curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{ "email" : "x@x.com", "url" : "http://veeryclientperl/nopwdlogin"}' http://veeryapiperl.soupmode.com/api/users/login

Returned JSON if successful: 

      "system_message":"A new login link has been created and sent.",
      "user_message":"Creating New Login Link",

The `session_id_rev` name=value is only included in the returned JSON when `debug_mode` equals `1` in the API's YAML config file.

### Activating the no-password login link

This will create the user's login session.

    curl http://veeryapiperl.soupmode.com/api/users/login/?rev=12345

Returned JSON:


## Get Author's Info

At the moment, the submitted author name is case-sensitive with regards to the lookup within CouchDB.

The function is useful to determine if the author is logged-in.

    curl http://veeryapiperl.soupmode.com/api/users/MrX

Returned JSON:


If valid login, then additional info is returned:

    curl http://veeryapiperl.soupmode.com/api/users/MrX/?author=MrX\&amp;session_id=50ff8f05c0f5d95aabbe7c5d810340c1

Returned JSON:

      "_id"  : "abbe7c5d810006f8",
      "_rev" : "12-90b9a5ae6c32d",
      "type" : "author",
      "name" : "MrX",
      "email" : "mrx@mrx.xyz",
      "current_session_id" : "5aabbe7c5d8103411c"

## Update Author's Info

At the moment, only the email address can be updated because little else is stored within the author's doc that can be modified.

    curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"author": "MrX", "session_id": "5aabbe7c5d810346cb", "id": "2384849494", "rev": "45454554", "new_email" : "new@new.com", "old_email" : "old@old.com"}' http://veeryapiperl.soupmode.com/api/users

Returned JSON:


## Create a New Post

    curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"author": "MrX", "session_id": "5012344558568686", "submit_type": "Post", "markup": "h1. 13may2015 2059\n\n test post from Perl Veery API"}' http://veeryapiperl.soupmode.com/api/posts

Returned JSON

      "html":"<a name=\"13may2015_2059\"></a>\n<h1 class=\"headingtext\"><a href=\"/13may2015-2059\">13may2015 2059</a></h1>\n\n<p> test post from Perl Veery <span class=\"caps\">API</span></p>",

## Update a Post

### Preview 

    curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"author": "MrX", "session_id": "50ff8f05c0f5d95aabbe7c5d810323c8", "rev": "50ff8f05c0f5d95aabbe7c5d810323c8", "post_id": "13may2015-2059", "submit_type": "Preview", "markup": "h1. 13may2015 2059\n\n Updated - test post from Perl Veery API"}' http://veeryapiperl.soupmode.com/api/posts

Returned JSON:

      "html":"<a name=\"13may2015_2059\"></a>\n<h1 class=\"headingtext\"><a href=\"/\">13may2015 2059</a></h1>\n\n<p> Updated - test post from Perl Veery <span class=\"caps\">API</span></p>",

### Wrong rev info submitted on update

      "system_message":"Invalid rev information provided.",
      "user_message":"Unable to update post.",
      "description":"Bad Request"

### Not logged in when trying to create or update content

      "system_message":"You are not logged in.",
      "user_message":"Unable to peform action.",
      "description":"Bad Request"

### Successfully updating a post

    curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"author": "MrX", "session_id": "50ff8f05c0f5d95aabbe7c5d810323c8", "rev": "1-f6eaf40f56dbb2ccc07919535f891ee1", "post_id": "13may2015-2059", "submit_type": "Update", "markup": "h1. 13may2015 2059\n\n Updated - test post from Perl Veery API"}' http://veeryapiperl.soupmode.com/api/posts

Returned JSON:

      "html":"<a name=\"13may2015_2059\"></a>\n<h1 class=\"headingtext\"><a href=\"/13may2015-2059\">13may2015 2059</a></h1>\n\n<p> Updated - test post from Perl Veery <span class=\"caps\">API</span></p>",
      "title": "13may2015 2059",

## Deleting and Undeleting a Post

Change the value for `action` accordingly.

    curl http://veeryapiperl.soupmode.com/api/posts/13may2015-2059/?action=undelete\&amp;author=MrX\&amp;session_id=50ff8f05c0f5d95aabbe7c5d810340c1

Returned JSON


## Show List of Deleted Posts

Author must be logged in.

    curl http://veeryapiperl.soupmode.com/api/posts/?deleted=yes\&amp;author=Mrx\&amp;session_id=50ff8f05c0f5d95aabbe7c5d810340c1

Returned JSON:

          "title":"test post mar 6, 2015 - 0901"
          "title": "%20Test%20post%202Mar2015%0A%0Acreated%20within%20the%20javascript%20editor.%0A"

## Logging Out

    curl http://veeryapiperl.soupmode.com/api/users/logout/?author=MrX\&amp;session_id=50ff8f05c0f5d95aabbe7c5d810340c1

Returned JSON:


If unsuccessful for some reason:

      "description":"Bad Request",
      "user_message":"Unable to logout.",
      "system_message":"Invalid info submitted."